Carter Atchison - Blog

Here are some thoughts, some adventures, and other events in my life that have occurred. I hope you enjoy reading them.

Blue skies in Madison, Ga

This was an old post that I wrote before my freshmen year at Wofford College and looking back at it I realize how much God’s handiwork in the sky looks like abstract art. As I look outside the window in Madison, I am reminded of how much time and effort he puts into everything he

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Shifting View Points

Repost from a prior blog post of mine when I used to blog for my dad’s art. As my situation changes from Wofford College to Madison and wherever else this journey takes me, I look back on how perspectives are important. Please enjoy reading this post.   Our experiences shape our viewpoints. Consequently, everyone sees

This is a blog post that I posted from last year in Madison, Georgia about the 76ers summer goals. Ever since I came to Wofford, I have been a 76ers fan. These big games coming up will show if what I said before has any validity. The buzz around the 76ers and “The Process” has

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As a kid, the few times painting with my dad in his art studio is one of my fondest memories. My art career was relatively short, but my art style was eerily “similar” to his, or at least that was my goal (This was never accomplished). Our childhoods greatly affect how we experience the world